I'm beyond disappointed, the gameplay is cool, but the game's overall structure is beyond dogshit. The objectives lead the dude to them instead of being made by the dude making them feel more like a chore than the chores of P2.
The world itself feels empty unlike postal 2 where everyone seems insane but you, in postal 4 no one but the dude do crazy things. There's no moment where the objective surprise you with a twist (ex: postal2 piss on the grave and then you get kidnapped by hilly billies or the package blowing up in the postal service).
Nothing in postal 4 matches the marching band of P2. There's no event in P4 all days seem the same (except Friday because it's Friday and you know what happens on Friday. ) There's no "Oh its the day this specific event happens on this side of the map (example: the VR headset in P2 or the ED guy in the asylum or even Zombie Postal Dude Sr)" it's always "Wow I'm walking from this corner of the map to this one and the NPCs are all talking on their phones, standing still or walking".
I keep talking about P2 but even P3 had a better postal atmosphere with all its flaws.
There's no reason to do a pacific run, it doesn't change the outcome or introduce something new it just makes you play the game longer.
The jokes are one of the worst aspects of this game, it's like being on Reddit, I almost expected the Dude to say "kill it with fire" by the number of unfunny dogshit lines you get and the amount of "LOOK, IT LOOK LIKE A PENIS DUDE. ISNT IT FUNNY WE MADE THE ROCKS LOOK LIKE A PENIS? WE ALSO PUT PENIS STATUES LOL, LOOK THE MUMMY HAS A PENIS TOO". It's frustrating.

Just finish making Eternal Damnation like you had to
No DLC will save this game. I regret everything.,

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2022
