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if i play another game that has a really cool and solid concept but it is a roguelike so it is destined to be repetitive and short, I think I am going to explode
While I love the game, the roguelike concept does NOT mesh well with the fact that a lot of your runs can take up to 3-4 hours (not because the game is long, but because the combat is turn based and highly strategic, so you'll be thinking a lot) and dying feels extremely bad because you the progress you make outside of runs is very underwhelming, and you'll feel like you wasted all those hours on literally nothing.
I so, so badly wish this game was just a full,fledged game with a proper story that concluded instead of never ever concluding because of its roguelike nature and the characters constantly repeating dialogue you have heard a billion times because it is a roguelike.
It could have been a 15-25 hours game with actual new content to explore, new characters to meet, a progressing story that concludes and does not reset itself and its progression every time you win/lose and I would probably have less hours on it then I do now, but I would 100% enjoy those hours I spent way more.
Hades could make it work, but that is Hades; and even Hades runs did not take more than an hour at best.
I love love LOVE the pixel art this game has, the animations, the extremely unique turn based combat system that is actually really fun to play, but you can only go through the same 4 levels and kill the same enemies and same bosses so many times with near zero variety before you get burnt out.
I appreciate that they are still updating the game and listening to the community, but I can't see myself going back and playing through many new runs just because they added a single new level or a single new boss