This was a really fun game! It controlled really well, the graphics were nice, and it had some great music. Lots of variety in the levels too! It's nice to have a mario game where you don't get booted out of a level when collecting the main collectible.

But I think that making the game like that came with a cost. The biggest problem is that they threw in SO MANY moons, and it just felt like quantity over quality. I don't even remember most of the moons in the game, because most of them are so effortless to collect. I think in the future they could improve on this by having fewer of those collectibles, and make them more interesting to collect.
Also I think they went a bit overboard with motion controls in this game. The game didn't feel based around them, so they felt like an annoying addition, and forgoing them just made you move slower and have less versatility with your moveset.

It's not a huge deal though. I still very much enjoyed the game, and there's so much charm and nostalgia in this game that I still really like it.

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2022
