This game is really good. The gameplay is satisfying, the world is epic, and the overall experience is definitely one worth having.

4.5 stars because a couple of the bosses have terrible designs, and Blighttown & Tomb of the Giants exist. Even so, the experience of defeat-frustration-retries-success is a one-of-a-kind experience that hasn't been emulated in any other game series. This is where the whole "Souls-like" experience starts, & for a reason: it all just works.

Get ready to be incredibly frustrated at a couple of areas/bosses, be angry at the zero hints the game gives you, and be very glad when it's all over: beating Dark Souls was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've ever had, and it's well worth your time.

That said, if you want a comfortable, armchair gaming experience where you can sit down and rest easy, don't play this game. It's a 4.5 for me--challenge is what I'm looking for!--but it'd likely be a 0.5 for you.

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2023
