Rating: 7.2/10 - Good

Pretty basic roguelike with a rough start.

This game tries to do the Dead Cells thing of having you get points that allow you to choose the next weapon you're going to unlock, but it worked with DC because they had plenty of gear from the start.

The gameplay is good, unresponsive but good, everything feels slow but that works in your advantage since it gives you plenty of time to react and think of what you want to do next. This makes the game incredibly easy but at the same time, also provides a breather from the slew of roguelikes that market themselves as "hard as souls-likes". So if you want something a bit easier that won't punish you much, this game is here.

The story is ok, Ron Pelrman is in it and he does a decent job with the work he is given, but the story and the dialog are too cut and dry for him to properly shine. The plot is a simple revenge narrative that is mostly there as set dressing. they do stablish the protag as someone who lived in hardship, but they never do anything with it, so it lacks impact.

Reviewed on Jun 06, 2023
