Difficulty: 3/10
My time: around 50 hours
Platinum N°: 150

Days Gone was a polarizing game for me, one of the high points is the combat against the Hordes. They are very well designed and facing one is very adrenalinic... unfortunately the best 3 hordes of the game occur during the story and near the final moments.

The story manages to shine in several moments...but that starts to happen when you get to the third camp several hours after starting. That coupled with poor narrative pacing, clichéd dialogue and characters making very strange decisions, taints what could have been something memorable, not to mention that the story is very long.

I enjoyed Days Gone? Yes, yes I enjoyed it, the combat is very entertaining, the world is well done, today on ps5 it looks excellent, and the good moments are very good. But the negative distracted me from my enjoyment at various times.

And about the platinum, just play and try to do all the missions and explore the map. There is no missable trophy.

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2023
