The first traditional (as traditional airdashers can be) fighting game I tried to learn, and my favorite even after trying pretty much every single other popular franchise under the sun.

Straight up, the only moderately bad thing this game has is the random Danger Time mechanic in which characters get hitstunned for ages and take so much damage I don't even have an adjective to describe it, and I emphasize the "moderately" because danger time can be mostly funny.

Visually the game is great, really sells the "2D but actually no" style the developer came up with. Animations have lots of impact and good effects which look cool and keeps things understandable, despite preferring the art style from Guilty Gear Strive, this game does have a rivaling end result.

OST is great, character and rivalry themes didn't stick to me as much as the Guilty Gear XX ones, but are still great, and the extra songs are simply incredible, Storyteller, Dice and Big Blast Sonic got me looping them.

Playing the game is extremely satisfying, fast and hard hitting, with extremely varied characters and great offensive and defensive mechanics that reward extreme aggression, with a resource meter that resets after a round, so you're encouraged to always use it. Roman Cancels can immediately stop any attack you use and return your character to a neutral state, so you can keep on going or choose another option at the cost of some meter; Bursts get you out of combos, or can be used offensively to give yourself full meter or higher damage on supers; Blitz can negate an opponent's attack into a huge recovery animation, or make them lose a bit of their Burst... This game has a lot of mechanics in place that can be intimidating at first, but are really satisfying once you learn them.

Since this game is getting its online fixed, it is a game that definitely should be played. It is not on Strive levels of simplicity, nor Accent Core Plus R levels of complexity and execution, Xrd is on a strange sweetspot that I learned to like a lot.

Also, obligatory praise to the Dustloop Wiki editors for the best in-depth wiki on the FG space.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022
