Solar Ash 2021

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 29, 2024

Platforms Played


A great start but a game that left me colder than I would have expected on finishing. The movement mechanics are fun and I actually enjoyed the boss encounters that seem to have been divisive on here, but it feels like the game is missing a layer of complexity that would take the movement focused gameplay to the next level.

Visually it's got an incredible aesthetic and the ambient music is good as well but god why is the boss music so sleepy? If you were going to rip so much from Shadow of the Colossus you'd think getting this bit right would be a high priority, instead the encounters feel somewhat anticlimactic despite the scale and presentation otherwise being so grand.

The story... honestly these characters did absolutely nothing for me and I didn't really find anything to get invested in. Shame as so much of this I really liked, but that ending fails to resonate so bad that it really got me thinking about the ways the experience was unfortunately flat.