Some of the gameplay revolving around haphazardly trying every single option multiple times until the game decides to progress is extremely archaic, but honestly props to Nintendo/MAGES for keeping the core game exactly the same as it was back in the day. Of course it's not playing the original, but just as a matter of historical record, it was really cool to have essentially that same experience as fans of this game had over 30 years ago.

What's also great is that confusing progression aside, it still really holds up! This is just a fun murder mystery in the classic tradition, and all of the twists are well foreshadowed/set up beforehand, which makes it very satisfying to see everything revealed and find out what twists you saw coming vs. which ones did manage to take you by surprise. If I had one complaint about the story it's that the ending is slightly abrupt, the culprit's plan having so many complex stages only to end in a final step that seems very poorly thought out on their part felt a bit "too easy." But the rest of the ongoing developments really had me along for the ride, and I thought the story was well paced.

Can't believe I'm saying this but you gotta give props to Yoshio Sakamoto for writing this. Other M is a colossal failure on every level, but I think this game proves that he's capable of crafting a great story as well. I have a lot more sympathy for him now after getting to see his talents in that area really shine here. Hopefully the west getting these games is the start of a turnaround in public perception, maybe that ends with a good story for a new 2D Metroid... it's nice to dream!

Reviewed on May 18, 2021
