First time ever getting 100%. The original is one of the best games ever made, with an incredible battle system, wonderful, charming characters, and a seemingly never-ending stream of creative locations and setpieces. Some of my nitpicks with this remake (30fps, a couple very minor movement changes, the damn text boxes not letting you mash through them which is by far the most annoying of these) are balanced out by some of the genuinely great changes they made as well. The art direction manages to be incredibly faithful to the original while also looking even better to my eye, and I actually really like the laminated floor look they went for too. New music is by and large very good and occasionally great, the very subtle but hugely important adjustments to level design to reduce backtracking are a godsend, and while there isn't much in the way of all new material here, what they have added in that respect is phenomenal.

It just did my heart good seeing this remake have every bit of the same care and love put into it that the original clearly did. Do yourself a favor and play one of the best RPGs of all time.

Reviewed on May 30, 2024
