“Well then, Mr. Mondo, from everything you have experience so far… how would you explain all of this?”

“Does it have to be explained? I don’t believe it does.”

Beautiful game. While for whatever reason I didn't feel quite as much of an emotional attachment as I did with The Silver Case, this is every bit as thematically dense and quite a bit more hilarious. Truly one of the funniest games I've played, and most of that fun is being had at the player's expense. Despite this, the game never twists the knife after it stabs you, providing in my opinion just enough antagonism to make you feel like a moron for playing it, but not enough to make you stop playing.

Especially when the story here is as gripping as it is! While my aforementioned lack of any big gut punch emotionally did have this fall short of being a total revelation for me story wise, the mystery of what exactly is going on, the greatly enjoyable characters, and the relaxing, contemplative vibe of the setting absolutely kept me hooked on it. Going to go with a hackneyed Lynch comparison again but Suda seems to understand mysteries in the same way he does. By not conclusively solving the mystery, or by presenting conflicting, dense layers of information, it invites the audience to think more about the characters and themes.

Again I invite people to talk about their own interpretations and thoughts on this game in the comments! Until next time,

I'm getting that DS feeling...

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2021
