1st match online: Beat my opponent using some cool synchro summons in a duel that at least somewhat resembled the anime I used to watch

2nd match online: Was utterly obliterated in 3 turns, each of which took about 10 full minutes, as every card my opponent played had about 2 paragraphs of text explaining its incredibly specific function that allowed it to combo with another specific card to allow them to draw more cards which allowed them to special summon a monster whose effect allowed them to special summon another monster whose effect allowed them to draw more cards whose effects allowed them to- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Possibly the most absurd card game ever created

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2022


2 years ago

see your first mistake was assuming the anime ever resembled how the card game was actually played

2 years ago

yugioh cards have too much fucking text

2 years ago

@GutterTrash true, but I did used to play the TCG in the early days as well and that is also worlds apart to the game as it exists today lol