Not much to say here, it feels similar to DKC2 but a bit worse, mainly because the difficulty is toned down for most of the game. I found that the game to be a lot easier than the first one for most of the game but then the last two areas had somewhat of a difficulty spike. Sometimes the levels felt less fun due to its challenge and more tedious, especially with the Animal Buddies once again. Those levels that mainly use the Animal Buddies just weren't fun to me, especially Krack-Shot Kroc which was a worse version of a level I already didn't like in DKC2. The bosses were also just really tedious, most of them aren't very visually clear or have really annoying gimmicks I don't like dealing with, and some of them even change the gameplay style which I wasn't too much of a fan of. Regardless, it's still DKC which all three were pretty solid platformers, but I personally found that each new game was a score less for me, so hopefully Returns and Tropical Freeze don't follow that pattern (especially since I've been anticipating playing those two for a while). Overall, I find DKC3 to be weaker than its predecessors, but it's still a solid game on its own.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
