And now, I'm finally done with the four New Super Mario Bros. titles. This one's definitely better than the other three, but the bar really isn't exactly the highest now, is it? Now, the thing is the New Super Mario Bros. games range from literally mediocre to pretty decent at best, so they aren't exactly bad games. The main issue I have with all four titles is that there's nothing that sets them apart from each other after you've already played one of them, and the one I first played when I was younger just so happened to be my current least favourite, that being 2. Now, I definitely think that these games are better than a good chunk of the older games like the original, both versions of 2, and both Land games, but these games are just serviceable at best and don't strive to be anything like the bests such as 3, World, and Wonder. That's what pisses me off about this game in particular, because I feel like this one TRIED to be more unique in a way, but at the end of the day, it's just another New Super Mario Bros. game. There ARE instances of creativity in the level design or background or both (like the Starry Night level), but then there's also levels that are just more of the same and as a result, I'll only remember this game for having like, a few distinct levels at most while the rest blend in with the other games. At the very least I'll give credit to this game for having things I'll remember it by, and it wasn't annoying or lackluster for the most part, but oddly enough, despite the fact that I did enjoy it to a degree, I still feel really disappointed and as such, I can't rank it any higher. Overall, it's a fine 2D Mario game but it's really dragged down by being another New Super Mario Bros. game, which means it's mostly more of the same thing we've already seen three times before.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024
