This game to me has a balance between its good stages and its bad stages. I really enjoyed levels like Green Hill Zone, Starlight Zone, and Scrap Brain Zone, but the remaining three have many issues with them. Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone don't play off of the speedy platformer gimmick that the other levels include. Those zones are slow, messy, and challenging in a way that isn't fun, especially the third act of both zones. Meanwhile, Spring Yard Zone feels sort of lazy. It's not a terrible zone by any means, but it seems to be missing something that would make it more engaging. Special stages aren't too bad, probably one of the more easier ones, if not the easiest, but there really isn't too much of a reason to get the Chaos Emeralds. Overall, not a bad game, but definitely my least favourite Classic Sonic game.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2023
