Rip Overwatch 1. As this game has been put down due to Overwatch 2's release, I want to say a few words. Overwatch was quite simply incredible. It scratched an itch I never thought I had. I don't know a single game that can give me the same rush and addiction that this game did. All the playable heroes were unique and most were likable. The atmosphere of the game was pleasing as well.

A lot of casual players may disagree with my rating, but I was in too deep. Overwatch casually was mediocre. I'd give it 3-4 stars. HOWEVER, the competitive aspect of this game is where it shines and fully deserves the 5 stars. 6v6 multiple modes and maps. A lot of competitive games rely on single play over team play. Overwatch was the opposite. You simply couldn't 1v6 a team. Quite frankly, you'll (excuse my French) get shit on. Team communication and team play was essential. Tracking your Individual positioning, ability timing, call outs and much more IN CONJUNCTION with your teammates made this game incredibly tactical. I was so into this that I went down the esports route. I founded a team and joined a league with some friends. League play was some of the most sweaty games I have ever played. I was a team manager, coach and captain all in one. Whenever we did map reviews and tactics, I would create a mini playbook per map. In certain overwatch "metas" it was so hard to come up with a game plan because Overwatch's INSANE variation of play. 26 heroes to being chosen - all with their strengths, weaknesses, counter picks, abilities, you name it. Therefore, some maps had multiple google doc pages of plays. The variety of gameplay was incredible. Honestly, I can go on and on but for the one person who reads this.... there was nothing like this game and nothing will be like it for a long time.

Cons: man it got toxic. There was also a lot of smurfing, boosting and horny mfs

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2022
