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Dang after reading some of the reviews on this site, I might be the only one who liked the game. It was fairly enjoyable and kept me entertained through its short story.

The intro was really gripping in my opinion. Interesting buildup playing as the toddler knowing that something weird is happening around the house... then bam! Behold a slap in the face to get you started.

Nothing else really notable until you reach the third act when you run to the bell tower. I won't lie to you.... no idea what started happening after that point but I was here for it. Some weird superpower, underground base, some mind time travel stuff, a sense of urgency to save humanity.... hell, the ending was something straight out of the movie Arrival. Pretty cool and didn't really drag out EXCEPT for when you were tearing down the walls within the alien ship or whatever. That was a bit too long.

Now I want to discuss the ending a bit. I had no idea that this Arrival style ending to the game was going to have more than one ending. I saw the house, walked right in and figured it was over. However, once I saw the achievement pop up I wanted to see the others. Now the first two endings are whatever, but mannnnnnn that third ending was pretty genius tbh. I would have never gotten it myself, but the concept of having to learn the alien language during the whole gameplay through those illuminating spheres is quite unique. That in itself brought the rating for this game up in my opinion.

I thought almost all the areas within the setting were pretty cool. I only had a problem with was the caves portion, but it didn't last too long.

Gameplay was meh, but that's just something you need to expect from this type of game.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2023
