i really set this game up to fail by playing it after Tyranny. the writing is engaging but it can go on too long for certain parts i wonder if they even have an editor there at all. gameplay was just...uninspiring, theres no reason i shouldve been able to use level third priest spells nearly in the beginning of the game. fingers crossed i'm gonna like the second game a lot more than this

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2022


1 year ago

I loved this but it was the first isometric RPG I'd played since Baldurs Gate at the time. Still haven't played the second one though.

1 year ago

@FallenGrace: i get that! feel like if i did that too i would've liked it more, but yknow shrugs. i was talking to a friend about the second game and they loved it a lot more than the first, so i'm trusting them to not fail me on this LMAO

1 year ago

I've heard it is, just buried in the old backlog.... ;_;

1 year ago