
Much of the reason for this play-through I talked about in my review of the previous installment in World at War. Meaning that I had played this game on it’s extremely challenging Veteran mode late last year and with the news of the new game coming out I really wanted to revisit the entire series and write down my thoughts. So I replayed one of my favorite games of all-time and I had a blast.

Campaign: Hands down, this is the best Call of Duty campaign that I’ve ever played. I thought at first that my nostalgia bias would take over as this was my most played game as a teen, but after playing it strictly for the story, I was hooked again and I already knew all the plot points. The way they build off of their previous title with Reznov and his story and then building up the central idea of Alex Mason and man it’s gripping right from the start. The main menu even plays into it being in the chair with the voices, and it creates this atmosphere for the game that is truly mesmerizing. I even love the whole numbers aspect that plays over and over. It’s simple, but so very effective. Overall, a 10/10.

Multiplayer: Again, much bias here but man does it really bring back great memories going back to this. The gunplay is fun, the maps are iconic, Nuketown starting here, and overall there was never a moment where you felt out of it with any type of gun you chose. Granted, there are the better guns in the Famas & Commando, but it’s just fun to try anything. Plus they have some of the best and iconic sound designs in the entire franchise. Overall, a 10/10.

Zombies: Now here comes my favorite aspect of the game. Even though I never really played much of the DLC maps, Kino is not only my most played zombies map, but easily my favorite of all-time. What Treyarch did with the zombies mode here and genuinely perfected it is what makes this game all around one of the best. It may have been revolutionary in WaW but this is where they perfected. Another 10/10.

Looking at this game on an overall scale, I don’t think I will ever play a game that is this well rounded in the franchise. Not only does the online multiplayer and zombies experience never get old, the campaign is riveting to me even after playing through it for probably a fourth time. An incredible game all around.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2024
