Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition
I've played the vanilla version many times before on my PS3, most recently being a year or two this is my first time playing the DLC.
This will mostly be covering that while mentioning DLC at the very end
The game is a genuine masterpiece, a peak of story, characters and worldbuilding in the post apocalypse genre.
Saying that as a kid it never gripped me the same way Fallout 3 did, this was due to it being much more open and exploratory rather than 3s easier linear presentation.
But as I've gotten older and replayed the game more and more, the more I appreciate it and love it. No other game I've played explores the interactions between factions, the branching path, your choices truly having weight like this game does.
While people complain about the gunplay, while I get it, it's really not as much of an issue people say and I enjoy it.
Genuinely all the issues that arise with this game either come from the fact that it was rushed and crashes a shit ton, or the holdovers from Fallout 3.
And yeah while I didn't get a ton of crashes they were consistent enough to still be an issue and keep me on my toes
But yeah, other than technical issues the game really is a masterclass in this genre and I would have loved to see what Obsidian could have done with more time

Now for the DLCs
Honest Hearts
This is the weakest of the DLC
Joshua was an absolute delight, loved his character before the DLC and love him even after playing it
Other than Joshua I really feel this DLC doesn't flesh out the native tribes enough so a lot of it just seems like you're fucking about until the DLC want's to be interesting at the very end and whenever you talk to Joshua
Wasn't expecting much from this tbh

Dead Money
Dead Money was an incredible DLC
The characters, story and setting were all absolutely perfect
The survival horror aspect was also amazing and a wonderful use of the mechanics given
The Sierra Madre itself feels over fairly quick in comparison to the surrounding town but...
I think it's still very well paced with an amazing cast of characters including the main antagonist Father Elijah
Definitely more of what I was expecting from a Fallout New Vegas DLC Honest Hearts didn't give
Also Christine is sooooo fucking good I love her let's go lesbians

Old World Blues
Here's my thought on Old World Blues
Funny as fuck
While a lot of FNV DLCs feel very grounded and trying to get a message across OWB just feels like they were able to just nerd out about old sci fi movies and just have fun with it
Idk why the game allows you to take your own gear into this it would work better without that since they were talking about seeing my foot penises with full covering Sierra Madre armour on, but that is such a small gripe
But yeah it's just good whacky fun
It's just a good solid DLC with so much charm slammed into it, it's really fun

Last but definitely not least
Lonesome Road
The final DLC of Fallout New Vegas
Every other DLC and even the base game makes reference to this one so much it's insane and has a lot to live up to
It does, it's oppressive, a message from Ulysses to the Courier about the rise and fall of nations
The Divide is such an amazing setting, I loved seeing the marked men. They represent the Divides unification, no bear, no bull, a corruption of something new that was once blooming, destroyed by the Courier. Remnants and the dying are all that stay in The Divide.
It feels like a true conclusion that wraps up everything that base FNV laid down

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2023
