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Honestly looking back I think I might like this the least out of the sky games. The story is pretty good though it retreads too much of Estelle and Joshua's dynamic with Kevin and Ries for me to really like it, hell Kevin even has a dead older sister figure just like Joshua. I really didn't find Kevin or Ries to be all that interesting because of it, since I felt their dynamic was just weaker and less present overall and with how personal this story is (even more so than the other games) that's an issue. The door system is neat and I like the Olivier Osborne door more than basically anything from the actual main story. Some of the doors were misses for sure but I think a majority do a good job expanding the world in preparation of the Crossbell arc. The final goodbye scene was also really sweet but that was basically because of the characters around Kevin rather than Kevin himself.

I'm not huge on the dungeon crawler style of the game, it felt kinda shoehorned. Especially when half the dungeons are reused assets from the first 2 games and the latter half are insultingly short. And I get it Trails reuses assets all the time, but the setting for this game is a literal pocket dimension based on the view point of a guy not even originally from Liberl. Not to mention the fucking new battle statuses good lord these were annoying. insta death, losing a party member for several turns, reducing CP to 0 or 100, restoring health by 50%. These change the course of the fight WAY too much for bosses while doing jack shit for the player. And this is a problem when this is the most gameplay focused game for the first 9 entries of this series.