Full Frontal Assault is about on par with All 4 One for me. Both very fine games in the Ratchet series, but if you don't have a friend or two to play this with then you can decide if you wanna skip it or not.

This game is your typical Ratchet and Clank gunning and platforming experience, except this time, it's a tower defense game. It's probably the shortest Ratchet and Clank game and can most likely be beaten in an afternoon so it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Though enemies get weirdly bullet spongey towards the end, especially the tanks. Pro tip: use the flame thrower weapon if you get stuck. It shreds through health bars like a hot knife through butter. It's actually pretty satisfying.

The story is...fine. It's a tower defense game so I wasn't expecting much anyway. The villain is really lame and is probably the worst one in the series. Funny jokes here and there. Qwark is the main focus if you're a fan of him.

Overall, a fairly good time. Get a friend if you can and blast through it. If you can't then feel free to skip. If you liked playing through the story mode, then give the online multiplayer a shot. From what I played of the tutorial, it seems like it could be fun with a couple of buddies.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023
