Alright. I did not expect much going in really. Seriously? A fantasy game with boring convoluted lore and a isekai storyline? This had the recipe to be boring tripe. Yet. It kinda blew me away.

This game had one fixed route which means more can be focused on the lengthy story which is like 20 hours long! But surprisingly it doesn't really drag out. Sure you have some anime stereotypes after all and some random cameos in for the memes but. I could really get sucked into the world and characters. Leanna (voiced by Amalee) is honestly a really good companion which you'd probably not want to hurt their feelings (you can but it's hard physically to do)
Also there's scenes that are utterly heartbreaking. One left me with a lot of empathy for my protag. Gameplay is rather simple. It's either simon says or matching symbols. You have to not screw up at these.
Only problem us that you can get interrupted with lore dumps at times. And I had to restart my game completely cause I didn't reach the true ending without looking it up.

Overall if you stay with it. You can find a lot of enjoyment out of it!

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2022
