So I’m doing a thing where I beat a game a month and this month was Mario RPG Remake and I thought I would do wrote up on each one since why not but since I know some people want to play that game still I’ll mark the rest in spoiler
I did not play the original Mario rpg and honestly it’s been a very long time since I played a Mario rpg (since dream team on 3ds in elementary school) but this definitely reminded me how much I love the franchise. It’s essentially a quirkier and more accessible version of the early final fantasy games and are very fun and full of life something many modern games are missing. It doesn’t try to take itself seriously and as such can make fun jokes about itself. The plot isn’t anything to write home about but I did enjoy the characters including a lot of the new ones. This was a very faithful remake I started to notice as lots of the things appeared to be taken directly from the old game and as such some things were definitely outdated and in talking about the battle system. Now I didn’t really hate or like the battle system but I will says o have never seen such a polarizing battle system like this before. It can go from being the bane of your existence to making you untouchable in a matter of seconds. I can start to see where ideas from future Mario rpgs come from like the badge system and timing your button presses but in this game, quick time events r everything. These r literally the difference between you taking a critical hit versus taking no damage and from doing minimal damage to always citing. Now this is an easier game so the button presses aren’t too extreme except if u don’t know the timing and if u don’t then u will be fumbling your damage output and taking heavy crits all over the place (luckily healing is more than abundant in this game though). It’s very polarizing and makes you constantly have to be involved with turn based combat but hey it’s definitely different and not entirely bad. Also I would like to mention about half way through the game I got an item that literally allowed me to restart fights and was infinite use so difficulty curve is very wild. I enjoyed how it was short but fun and full of hidden secrets my favorite part of games. Another thing about the battle system I didn’t like was shared magic points which I only felt good using on boosts and heals making magical attacks feel kind of wasteful since this points could be used to make my offense and defense better. Overall neat little game, nice change of pace. I give it 8.5/10 overall and honestly just a 9/10 rpg

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2024
