Had fun playing the first one but was a bit disappointed with the boss level where it was basically just chasing the entire time.

Second and third game I just couldn't get into as it felt like I was gonna do the same thing for another 15-20 hours. I just ended up skimming through the playthroughs on YouTube. The boss fights for those actually do look way more interesting to do, but I didn't really the energy to go through the games.

Some frustrating technical issues such as needing to cap your FPS to stop Spyro sliding (even when still). Even more frustrating is how there were a few times where some NPCs on levels couldn't do anything unless you capped it to 30, causing you to be softlocked. I just capped to 30 then 120 once the issue was solved.

Overall I enjoyed what I did play, but platformers are often not really my thing so I was unlikely to play through all 3. The minigames didn't interest me much either.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
