When this game was announced, not gonna lie, I was PISSED with Atlus, specially since what happened with SMTV, the game looked like trash (oh how I fucking hate that weeb shit) and nothing alike the OG soul hackers, lets be honest, this game is just Tokyo mirage sessions but they are using the name soul hackers JUST BECAUSE, just Atlus saying fuck you to the fans, happens sometimes, no company is perfect

Now, even with me PISSED over this, since I am a dumbass (got a switch OLED just to play SMTV btw, I hate myself, terrible game) I actually got the pre-order as soon as it was available on steam, as much as I hate the first impressions, Atlus deserve my trust, FOR NOW, strike 2 atm

So, after 65 hours of gameplay, after getting the platinum, I did everything the game has to offer, I can say:

The game is not AS bad

Story AND characters wise:

But the thing is, its not good either, the story is lame, and that is something I cannot enjoy, specially on a Megaten game, I have too much respect for the franchise to accept a bad story

Bad characters, yes, its really annoying when the ONLY decent character on the game is the damn shark teeth one, the most anime character is the only one that is decent, well, fuck me

Now, the gameplay is actually the one thing I can say that I really enjoyed, the sabbath system is quite fun, would love to see it again

I do recommend anyone to get the game and play for yourself, don't take my shit as a fact, besides the story and characters part, that is factually correct, they are bad, the rest? yeah, just my opinion, play it and tell me if you agree

Anyway, the game is better then I imagined, honestly I was expecting to be TRASH with no redeeming qualities, but well, it has some, so I guess its alright, don't regret paying for it.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2023
