Truly a great game, honestly, not perfect tho, I feel like the MC is kinda meh, wish we could know more about him, the way the game starts and his power gives you the idea he has more to him, the world is beautiful and they did an AMAZING job of bringing from the pages of the books, the game really is about HOGWARTS, its place in the MIDDLE of the map and you can see it from every single angle of the main map, such a nice view

Unfortunally after you finish the story the game really become kinda dead, I am someone that enjoy platinum games so I was doing this one, there is so many collectables but you feel bored after the story ends, nothing to do besides going from place to place collecting things

I feel that for a first game they did an amazing job, and i feel good about what comes next, hope its better and better

I cant give less of a shit about what you think on JK, your schizo is not my problem, she has nothing to do with the DEVs of this game and if you think harassing people that plays this or review bombing this will do anything, not only you are a cunt, but you are a dumb, very dumb one at that

Anyway, I liked the game, def not perfect, alot to improve, but i had a good time, def recommend it! 😊


Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
