This is a centerpiece of videogames as a whole and for good reason.

Due to the Remake being so well achieved you do feel like some things could be designed better but this is still such a masterclass in pacing, each slow beat leading up to a more trilling one time and time again with a great feel, the way each gun has an unique effect on enemies makes them all enjoyable to use not to mention how good the variety in scenarios is.

A couple mistakes though are how some areas are plain confusing to navigate due to how samey the backgrounds are. Some puzzles like the crow room and all the ones that require you to push boxes are a bit too slow.

The so called tank controls are a very contentious topic but they're mostly functional in this game, holding forward is still forward with any camera angle and you can run diagonally if you don't feel like stopping to change direction, the issue comes when in combat (despite a great audio design that lets you know what type of enemy is in the room) some enemies are so fast they get in your face before you can change angle, not to mention some animations make you flicker between angles making it awkward to fight.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2023
