Honestly I think this game is pretty decent and I wish I just could make a neutral review but unfortunately Steam only has 2 options for reviews. Risen 2 is a decent game and a really big step away from what Pihranna Bytes intended first for Risen series the games. The game is pretty much a downgrade from the previous title mainly in game mechanics, combat and skill system the story is actually pretty good and I even liked it more than the one from Risen 1. And also there is a factor that this game crashed on me like 300 times (not an exaguration) and also really buggy. Graphicaly this game is pretty decent looking and also a step forward from the previous games. Quests are hit or miss alot of them are fetch quest but also alot of them are really enjoyable side stories also I really like the companion system in this game and every companion here too.

This game feels really halfish and there are alot of good stuff in here but the bad stuff kinda overshadow this game honestly I dont think I would play this game again.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
