This game and J.J.'s expeirences made me reflect on my own transness in a very personal way that I’m struggling to put down in an appropriate way for a game logging website. But what I’m happy to say about it is that it shows how being trans can be painful and scary, especially before coming out, but in the last stretch it makes the perfect move in also showing just how wonderful and fun it really can be.

After 3 years of being out, I’m subjected to little pain because of my own transness and feel happy that I am who I am just about every day. I want to be proudly, vocally trans—to not have my status as “cis-passing” overshadow my identity. And I’ve come to view being trans as a wonderful experience to live through. So while I did struggle to play through this game with how janky and awful it was to control, I’m so glad it’s powerfully uplifting in the end, because I want the struggles of trans people acknowledged, but I want living as trans to viewed as a happy thing just as much.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2021
