A true icon in gaming history. A perfect action and hack and slash game. Tough as nails, gritty, and brutal action leaves players to learn and adapt with the games combos and mechanics. Combat is fluid and rewarding with well timed attacks and defense. The main glaring flaw is the bane of most early 3D games, the camera. Alongside the problems of the camera, move registration and lock-on can occasionally be wonky (specifically with the Flying Swallow) but is not very noticeable. Level and enemy design is almost perfect (Temple chapter with mummies, Water level with swimming, and the Ice chapter is just boring). The soundtrack is a perfect blend of a stealthy ninja movie and a cinematic thriller tone. Story is lacking but doesn't need to be as fleshed out due to the gameplay more than making up for it. Characters are fine and serve their purpose. Ryu is a serious no-nonsense character who has simple and determined goals. Rachel leaves more to be desired as a side character. Ninja Gaiden Black retains its identity from the classic 2D arcade games while evolving into the 3D scene. A true gamers game. Izuna Drop is the best thing in gaming.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2022
