A true classic of a game. Devil May Cry is the foundation for the idea of every modern "character action" video game. A tight combat system that at surface level is basic, but still fun to interact with. But with advanced mechanics, the combat system opens up, allowing players to push the skill ceiling and take advantage of what the game can offer to the player in terms of movement and combos. The gothic setting is quite unsettling, there were parts of the game where I felt creeped out due to the dark surroundings, the classical music that plays while roaming around the castle brings an ambience that is unique to this game. The soundtrack is very solid, so many iconic tracks that make each battle feel unique and match the enemies you are fighting. It also can enhance the environment with the tracks that play while not fighting enemies. Everyone already knows this at this point, but due to the game being a scrapped version of Resident Evil 4, there are elements of the classic Resident Evil formula present throughout the game. That being said, it usually just entails picking up an item from one portion of the level and bringing it back to a location. Puzzles are very basic and only serve as minor obstacles to pad out mission time. The big flaws in this game stem from the camera. Due to this being a former version of Resident Evil 4, the set camera angles are present. But the game doesn't have the tank controls that Resident Evil has, so it makes running around the castle awkward and clunky, the camera doesn't want to behave properly in tighter areas and in boss fights. Jank? Absolutely. A loose lock on system in this game also makes fighting awkward at times, most notably during the Nightmare fights. The platforming is really bad and is the one thing in this game that can be thrown away and wouldn't negatively impact the game. That being said however, it is still a pretty good game and is a game that I recommend everyone tries at least once as a way to dive into the hack and slash genre.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2022
