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Strong contender for worst game I've ever played. Blow me, Jonathan, I don't give a shit about philosophy or whatever the fuck. Like that's a novel concept that not every other indie game designer includes in their boring games because it will be praised for being profound because at one point it quotes Nietzsche, but it's just pretentious because there's no actual depth to it. If it's not that, the only other element here is the puzzles, but I can not believe that anyone would find those fun or interesting after five minutes of playing. Maybe when you find a new mechanic to figure out you can have a little bit of fun for one or two puzzles again. And then the post-game section or whatever it is with the meta puzzles or whatever? Yeah, first one was neat, but that was it? Alright.

Here's a novel concept: make a game that's fun to play. Or just go cry in your dark room some more because I didn't get your tedious, boring, shit pile slog of a game.