I am an idiot because this is my first Tactics Ogre game. I should not have missed this series in the past and should have played this already. So I'm grateful for this re-release but also unfortunately that means I can't compare it to previous releases.

I love the visuals and art style. The game play is really satisfying. I really enjoyed taking my time and planning my moves. The story and characters are good with plenty of twists and drama. Loved the setting, world and lore. Sound track is great. Plenty of content here too.

There are a few issues though. There is a level cap which I'm guessing is to stop you getting over powered but it's too restrictive. I wanted to try everything this game had to offer but some of the side stuff just felt like a dull grind. There is an uneven difficulty incline. Sometimes you breeze through a bunch of battles and then there's an occasional difficulty spike.

Tactics Ogre is getting pretty old now but still leaves the majority of modern games in it's dust. If you have enjoyed games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem then this should be on your games to play next list. So glad I finally played it. Tactics Ogre: Reborn is pretty damn great.


Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
