Really good sequel mechanically and visually.

Fighting is a lot snappier and character movesets are further fleshed out.

One thing about the combat I don't like is how obtuse some inputs for throws are (which is true for VF1 as well) especially when throws are pretty important tools. Some of those good throws can immobilize the opponent to be capitalized on. Thankfully the series moving forward would relegate all throws as P+G which is a lot simpler to wrap around.

BIGGEST issue is how unforgiving the AI is. Like Mortal Kombat 2 and Art of Fighting 2, the AI reads your inputs pretty early on and it gets worse going up (though, MK2 does it at the first fight so it's the undisputed king of cheap.)

And sadly, no home versions of the game (even the PSN/XBLA versions) have a training mode of any kind to actually learn the game properly.

To me, playing VF2 with friends and playing VF2 alone are vastly different experiences and even quality as weird as that might sound. By itself, I believe VF2 is a very good game (mainly for its time.)

Funny thing about the old PC version is that the AI in that game is the complete opposite. Probably wanted the difficulty to come from the Expert Mode which captures your play data over time which is cool.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2020
