Christ this is a tough one to write about.
First, I'd like to thank Mitsuru for sending me download links with this game and Fate Stay/Night. Like 10 months ago.

Anyways is this game good? Yeah, mostly. The greatest flaw in this game is Near Side routes. It's not the worst VN I've played but a bit close. They are so slow paced and after playing the Far Side routes, I found them to have almost zero reason to exist. Not gonna lie, Near Side felt three times as long while Far Side felt like it was half as long. I don't know why. Maybe it was because it took me seven to eight months to wrap up both of them and I finished all the Far Side routes in less than two. I checked with other people and they said Ciel and Arc were terrible routes.

Far Side is great in my opinion. Akiha's route is my favorite. I liked the twists and turns it takes and the ending was quite sweet. Hisui's was also nice and added some interesting concepts. Kohaku's was a bit confusing. It definitely was explaining literally everything about what the fuck was going on but Huh?

The Music? Great buuuut...ten tracks. TEN. This game is forty hours long. It's like Xenogears' lack of music but twenty times worse. I just turned on some classic rock music or fifteen different versions of Ys III - Morning of Departure on repeat. I actually did that. I swear I'm not a schizo. The tracks the game has are actually pretty good in the time I was actually hearing them.

Final Review: Would be five stars but the fact that Near Side is god awful and the game includes Neco Arc made me lower the score just a bit.

I think I've had enough with Type Moon for a while so I'm gonna go back to playing some nice PC-98 VNs.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2022
