It's an OK game, for me at least. The game felt like your run-of-the-mill God of War clone, specially a clone of GoW2, as much of the level design reminded me of that game.
Combat is fun, with many options to chose from (the Harvester was by far my favorite weapon).
The rest tho... I have mixed feelings. The voice acting can be really good at times, as with the Watcher, Samael, and Azrael, but at times... it's cringeworthy, to say the least: listen, I love some Liam O'Brien (mainly because I'm a Critical Role fan), but I felt this is not where his brilliance resides.
Although the combat is good, many (if not all) boss battles was the most rage inducing experiences I've had in a long time, not for their difficulty (I've played on normal), but the gimmick-y nature of them: all boss fights had some sort of specific requirement that felt weird, like with the Jailer, that you have to pop his 3 pimples before you can damage them (in retrospect, the gimmicks seems to involve the most recent acquisition, but felt a little odd in their implementation).
The game also have some metroidvania characteristics, with upgrades giving you access to areas previously inaccessible, but man, the backtracking felt awful, with me running above and beyond, trying to find those accursed lifestone and wrath fragments, with no idea to where to search and no indication if an area was properly cleared or not.
Story-wise, it's OK, I guess. Nothing too predictable, but nothing too mind-blowing too, but it indeed left me curious for what happens in the next installment.
That being said, I've opened DS2, and I got a RPG vibe of that game, so that was a pass for me, as I'm not in the mood for that type of game as of right now.
I feel like there's more to be said about this game, but I honestly don't want to expend time dragging on this game. I can see why some people can truly enjoy this game, but, for me, it was definitely one of the games ever made.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
