(english isn't my main language)

A beautiful game with great anime graphics, but its just that.
Despiste the game have a pretty funny and simple gameplay: command your troupes in a map and control they with simple mechanics. Its just ruined by the extreme boring campaing, I enjoy the early missions when you just defense something or capture the enemy base, but then the game wants to variate the gameplay (what is good unless they make this wrong), and so starts missions like "destroy the enemy tank/car before he eachs the point", or so the game wants to make a stealth mission but the game dont have any mechanic for that, its just stupid going round to round and walking a little by little in "StEaLtH" that's just deviate the lights. Or the most badly, when the game forces you to complete the mission more fast as you can, in a "strategic" game this ruins all and its just boring, and talking about boring things, we have that poor history with empty and shallow characters, all very generic, when you realize, you will be smashing the fucking button to jump all dialogues, and this is very bad for a game that have a bunch of history, like, in each chapter with about 8 episodes, 1 will be gameplay, the rest is the boring anime characters talking.
So, I really try to like the game and history, but I got tired, and I don't pretend to finish the game.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2020

1 Comment

3 years ago

Your English is great - completely agree with this review!