An absolute masterpiece of an action game. The progression as you go through the difficulty levels is one of the most satisfying difficulty curves I have ever seen. The enemies are so well designed and versatile I didn't even notice that they can only load one type in at a time. The bosses' health being the only thing that becomes higher numbers-wise (aside from damage done to you I believe) was a very good move, because it makes the focus more on providing tougher challenges through the actual trickiness of the enemies rather than making them damage sponges. Additionally, while one might think that inflating boss health might make them feel too damage spongey, it actually makes them shine the most as you actually have to learn the intricacies of their move-sets and when to go in, manage Devil Trigger, etc. In the end, I could not put it down til I had all S-ranks in every difficulty and I still felt like I could play more after that.

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2021


3 years ago


1 year ago

Perfect take.