Mass Effect is showing its age but its still a good time.

Combat is mediocre at best, your companions (while some are interesting) flow through the game mostly mute.
The inventory system is the worst I've ever seen and all the gear you find is dull.
Sidequests are trash and thankfully I only did a few this time around.

I liked exploring this world but I wasn't very engaged with any of it, save maybe for Virimire.
It might be because I revisited it after more than a decade and my current experiences clashed with my old ones.

Haven't played the sequels yet but common criticism is that they went from RPG to Action - I don't know of they executed it well but Mass Effect 1 begs to be an action game.

I'm glad I finally beat it and I look forward to the sequels. But it also killed the nostalgia I had for it.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2023
