Mass Effect series Review + Retrospective #3.4: Omega

The third story expansion for ME3, Omega brings us back to the titular asteroid colony and back into the more gritty, violent underbelly of the Mass Effect universe as we help Aria retake her throne.

Honestly, not a whole lot to say about this one. It’s about 2 to 3 hours of ME3 combat, which isn’t a bad thing, but that’s about it. There’s pretty minimal dialogue and only a couple of worthwhile choices to make. It is mostly action-focused, introducing two new enemy types that are only present on Omega, and they add a little more variety to the Cerberus forces. You can also get two new biotic bonus powers upon completion of the DLC, and Flare in particular is incredibly powerful and fun to use.

Omega is still one of the coolest locations in the ME universe, and it’s nice to see new parts of it. It’s also cool to get to use Aria as a squadmate finally, as well as the brand new gang leader Nyreen, who I believe was our first ever look at female Turians. I do wish you could bring along one of your own party members, for example, I think Garrus would have some interesting things to say about Omega, considering his storyline in ME2.

Oddly, Omega features, as far as I’m aware, the only Class-related check in the series? Engineer Shepards get a unique interrupt around the midway point of the DLC that allows their Class selection to actually have an impact on the game, which is really cool and something I wish was in more of the game.

If you like ME3’s combat, you’ll probably get a kick out of this one. On repeat playthroughs, it can kind of be a little bit long in the tooth, especially dragging by the end. Also, Bray should’ve been a party member, it’s a shame we go through the entire trilogy without a Batarian squaddie.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2022
