Log Status






Time Played

14h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 26, 2022

First played

July 22, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Platform: Xbox One (Via Xbox Series X)
Date Started: July 6th, 2022
Date Finished: August 26th, 2022
Time Played: 14 Hours

"Get it over with."

Assassin's Creed II is pretty ridiculous - while the original remained quite grounded in its approach to storytelling and game-play, this sequel ups the ante in genuinely ludicrous ways, which kind of sets the course for the series moving forward.

Ezio is initially a complete goofball who can do next to no wrong; I found him near insufferable for a lot of my playtime and, additionally, I found the rest of the cast of characters unmemorable, too, from the bland villain to the silly supporting crew, none of them stood out as interesting. Mercifully, Ezio does have quite a bit of growth and ends the game a lot less annoying than he is for the first three quarters, which shows a strong arc, setting things up well for a more mature character in the second and third instalments of the trilogy.

The traversal is solid fun initially, but slowly gets tiring once you reach Venice and it becomes a chore to climb around - for obvious reasons. The environments and locations are nice looking overall, and the atmosphere of the world here is good, too - upgrading the villa is an excellent addition and I really liked the options for armour and weapons.

One of the biggest offenders in Assassin's Creed II is the quest structure - the majority of the main story missions feel like side jobs, fillers, fetch quests and boring tasks. Gathering things, freeing people, trailing guys, it's a real chore, especially so when you reach chapter 13 and are forced to do 9 dull assassinations in order to proceed to the final sequence.

I'm very much looking forward to moving onto the next entry into this series. Hopefully Brotherhood can and will build upon the game-play and storytelling of this one to make a much more well-rounded and polished experience.