Platform: PlayStation 4 (Via PlayStation 5)
Date Started: December 4th, 2023
Date Finished: December 5th, 2023
Time Played: 10 Hours

"Fallen god."

I was enjoying my time with Lords of the Fallen for the first hour or two. The combat and movement felt incredibly clunky, sure, but it was nothing that deterred me or put me off too much, and it felt refreshing to be playing a smaller, more focused RPG of this type. The magic I picked was focused on defence, so using Shelter to heal myself while inflicting damage on the enemy or Prayer to create a distraction soon got me into a nice habit and strategy, and I was enjoying the story enough and making good, fairly quick progress. Sadly, though, things rapidly declined at around the halfway mark.

Annoying to fight enemies kept popping up like the guys with near impenetrable shields as well the ones that just keep circling you rapidly, which made the combat a chore, especially when facing off against multiple enemies, and while there were some nice bosses, there were an equal amount of ridiculous ones, too. The environments got less and less interesting and more disgusting to look at and unappealing to explore or be in, so stages like The Catacombs and The Chamber of Lies were just a complete shambles.

Ultimately, by the halfway mark, I was wanting to get through this one STAT - a shame, with lots of wasted potential, but hopefully the second entry can fare a lot better!

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2023
