Platform: Xbox 360 (Via Xbox Series X)
Date Started: January 1st, 2024
Date Finished: January 3rd, 2024
Time Played: Unknown

"So outnumbered."

Army of Two isn't an exceptional time. Even on the easiest difficulty the enemies can tear through you in seconds, the shooting can get extremely janky and the checkpoints can be really unforgiving, but if you play this in co-op then you can get a really fun few hours out of it with the right person.

The story is nothing special and everything is very straightforward, but neither of these are really a problem. The levels are okay to blast through, with the biggest issue being how unbalanced things feel, with loads of rocket-launching enemies and turrets, making things tough to get through even with the games aggro mechanic.

Overall, though, I had an okay time until the final level or so, and I definitely wouldn't recommend this game solo.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
