Bad Influence - The Kids Reviews - Scores in Notes

All the games featured in the Kid Review segments on the 90's UK Kids tv show 'Bad Influence' which had a regular segment featuring a rotating panel of kids reviewing new titles. Each review segment would end with two sets of scores. One set by the boys in the group, the other by the girls in the group.

Included in the notes - What series and episode the game was part of, what scores were given by the 'Boys' and 'Girls' sides and what platforms were being looked at along with any other notes like regional name changes.

All S1 episodes done
All S2 episodes done

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Platform: SNES/Mega Drive
Boys: 4/5
Girls: 4/5
Notes: Literally just called 'Dragon' on the show. Not even trying.
Probotector 2
Probotector 2
Platform: Game Boy
Boys: 4/5
Girls: 3/5
Note: Obviously this is the European version of the Game boy edition of Contra III: The Alien Wars. Because Konami apparently thought Europe couldnt handle normal Contra.


1 year ago

No some of these scores make any sense whatsoever, dont blame me, blame the child reviewers... Or the producers who got the child reviewers to mark things as they did. No idea.

1 year ago

Partway through S2 and I had to take a break updating this because some of the scoring is just bollocks. Super Mario All-Stars gets a 3/5 and a 4/5? Dr Franken II on the Gameboy gets the same score? Shinobi III getting a 2/5? Somebody tell these kids to stop being terrible.

1 year ago

Added some more and im sure this show is determined to break me. Sonic Spinball. 5/5. No. Absolutely not. Get out of here you silly silly show.

11 months ago

halfway through Season 3 and quite frankly I can understand why the recapper I'm following on YouTube (hi RoseTintedSpectrum) is slowly losing his ever loving mind.

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