Kubo 3 2020

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Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 17: Indie Heroes Collection 1

Yeah I hated this. Graphically its absolutely ugly thanks to a total lack of detail across the board. Its also just so empty as a whole, the overworld feels empty and lifeless and seems to just be here to spread the levels out some more.

The levels are also rather bland and boring but the crime comes with the general platforming controls. Because theres zero scrolling, its often difficult to accurately guage where you're jumping to on the next screen, meaning all too often you'll be making blind jumps across screens, hoping and praying you're not hurling yourself right into an enemy or worse, a insta-kill pit.

The enemies in the game also outright suck too, most are ugly looking sure but barely any of them have a easily markable movement pattern meaning it can feel like a bit of a crapshoot if you're trying to avoid them. Jumping on top to kill them occasionally works... unless its an enemy that takes more than one hit, at which point the player character doesnt hop back up high enough to avoid crashing back down onto the enemy and taking damage while the enemy is still in a partial invulnerable state.

I get this is homebrew stuff and I shouldnt be always expecting top of the line stuff but this feels more like a proof of concept than anything.

Again though the graphics - why does it look like people are being sucked into a giant carrot in the opening? WHY.