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Watch Dogs 2 feels very much like a two steps forward, two steps back approach in regards to the original game. On one hand, the hacking and stealth mechanics have been given a huge boost, thus making main missions feel a lot more fun as you're given a lot more options as to how to approach a mission.

On the other hand, while theres a lot of options, some are more overpowered than others leading you often to just Spiderbot everything unless forced otherwise.

This give and take happens in all other aspects too. The map is much more fun to traverse thanks to brighter colours and more diverse areas... On the other hand there isnt enough to do in the open world. It just feels kinda empty content-wise.

Story-wise the characters are SO much more engaging than the original... Just a shame the storyline isnt as good thanks to a total lack of focus causing the main villain to basically come into play only 3/4's of the way through.

So yeah. Watch Dogs 2. Better than 1 in some ways. Worse than others. Same score.