I do have a few fond pieces of nostalgia for Wolfenstein 3D and it did pretty much help pave the way for Doom but unlike Doom, Wolfenstein 3D hasnt aged quite as well.

Part of this is down to the hit-scan enemies who can sometimes detect you from across the map if you happen to be unlucky. Said enemies also usually hit like a truck which is a double-whammy of unfortunate. The other main issue is the game's lack of variety in its tilesets leading to a lot of backtracking, pacing back and forth and key-hunting around countless identical corridors. Its all too easy to be completely flummoxed for half an hour looking for one key hidden across the map.

Is it still fun though? Yeah theres still some fun here but its really only recommended for people who have fond memories of the game, less so for any newcomers.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2021
