1993 Space Machine (or 1993 Shenandoah on the switch) is a real nostalgic throwback of a game which is pretty fitting as it is a salvaged 1993 Amiga game, fitted up with new controls, widescreen support and a heap of other more modern modcons like 4-player co-op and open saving.

On a surface level its got a lot going for it, the spritework is gorgeous, the music giving a real Psychosis Amiga-vibe and the gameplay itself is fast and as a player, you are given a LOT of options in regards to the ship itself, to firepower and shielding.

All of this can make for a really fun time and when the game kicks into gear, it can be a real blast. Unfortunately its age does show in places be it through some of the more slower levels or through levels where enemy and hazard placement feels unfair thanks to the game not always being clear whats dangerous or not.

In addition the difficulty level is a big frenetic and all over the place. You can be blasting through levels without breaking a sweat at one piece, going through game over hell in another and then back to 'basic shooting' after. It makes for a very messy game.

Its still fun but I wish the difficulty and visibility would have been made a little clearer.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2021
