Managed to play through this little game just before it left Game Pass - I really need to stop sleeping on stuff on there and going 'oh no' right as its leaving.

Anyway - For what its worth I had a rather fun time with FIST gameplay wise thanks to some rather smooth platforming, chunky and meaty feeling combat and that oh so pleasant metroidvania feeling of combing every nook and cranny because you NEED that last Plant Seed or because theres a small bit of the map you HAVE to go into.

That said, i'll certainly only remember this game for the gameplay. While the graphics are indeed lovely and are quite detailed, they are not really used to their fullest potential. Levels, while they are designed well on a gameplay level, on a stylistic level I honestly couldnt tell you a single thing about a single one of the places I sped through.

The plot as well is a big heap of overplotted nonsense thats actually a little too simple when broken down.

So overall while I certainly liked everything on a gameplay level, the design choices had me feeling a bit 'Meh'.

A very generic and rather dull shooter title thats barely worth talking about because of how generic and barely 'ok' it is. The only really notable things worth talking about is when the developers threw a hissy fit about their Metacritic store and demanded that Metacritic stores to be removed from steam pages.

Or their time where they bitched out Humble Bundle because they featured in the third Humble Bundle and thought they should have received more royalties.

Or the time they tried to add fake reviews on Steam and Metacritic to boost the overall average and got caught doing so.

I remember when I played this pre-launch thanks to it being part of a bundle and chatted to the dev, telling him and showing screenshots that I got to the ending in about twenty minutes so he purposely changed the entire game's structure because it pissed him off so much that I somehow speedran his 'masterpiece' after he had been gloating to everyone in the bundle chat how brutally hard and out there the game was.

He then begged me for spare steam keys from bundles in private messaging and bragged about his artistic vision of the world. He was a tool.